
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

You have a rare ability to hold space for soul-shaking experiences, and this month invites you to align with the mystical, magical side of yourself that thrives by exploring the depth of your emotions. Depth does not always mean darkness, so this month's task is to let yourself accept the abundance of good fortune without searching for a melancholy shadow. 

On June 6, the New Moon in Gemini brings your attention to financial issues, making it an excellent time to rethink your shared resources or inquire about investment options. This follows Jupiter making a trine aspect of Pluto on June 2, where you could hear good news about larger economic forces spiraling in your favor. 

Opposites attract on June 8 when Mars enters your opposite sign of Taurus and forms a square aspect to Pluto on June 11. You are about to experience a fated meeting to bring closure to an ongoing feud. This tension can feel like a sibling rivalry, and the resulting frustration comes as much from your similarities as from your differences. 

You may have felt rooted to your place earlier this year, but you could feel wanderlust when Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 16. If someone close to you offers you the opportunity to travel, embrace it. When the Sun enters Cancer on June 20, your heart is elsewhere, so follow it.

With Venus and Mercury both in Cancer, romance preoccupies your mind. You may start the month feeling a stronger connection with your partner. For singles, it's crucial to confront relationship fears early in the month, particularly those related to trust. Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, making it an excellent time to reflect and integrate any feedback you’ve received.