
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

Scorpios are known for their grit and determination, but that strength can sometimes make it hard to trust others to match your level of dedication. You may struggle with delegating tasks, preferring to take control rather than risk others not meeting your high standards. However, this month’s astrology encourages you to rethink your approach. Under the Virgo Sun, tap into your persuasive skills to inspire others to join you in your projects, whether at work or home. Remember, you’re not alone, and the universe is urging you to share the load.

After the Lunar Eclipse on September 17, things might feel a bit unsettled. This eclipse brings tension between your personal ambitions and your responsibilities to your community or volunteer commitments. It’s all about finding ways to achieve the greatest impact with the least effort—a lesson in delegation.

Virgo season is the perfect time to refine and streamline your life. On September 1, Pluto moves back into Capricorn, wrapping up a 14-year cycle that has taught you about your influence and power, especially in communication. This is your chance to master the final lessons in using your voice effectively. Consider joining a group like Toastmasters, starting a podcast, or attending a workshop to enhance your public speaking skills.

When the Sun enters Libra on September 22, it highlights the spiritual aspects of your life, inviting you to deepen your connection with your sense of holiness, however you define it. This is an ideal time for a personal retreat, spending time in nature, or engaging in introspective activities. Taking a break from your routine will help you tune into your inner wisdom, guiding you forward with clarity and purpose.

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