
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

The creative life calls to you this month, Taurus, as Venus highlights your inner artist. Even if you don’t identify as an artist, remember that creativity flows through you naturally. The Virgo Sun illuminates your desire for self-expression, putting you in a go-getter mood. With Uranus stationing retrograde and Pluto moving back into Capricorn, you're reminded of the power in trusting and letting go of control.

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 reinforces this theme as Pluto concludes its 14-year journey through the sign of ambition. Now is the time to devise practical strategies for pursuing your dreams.

The Equinox on September 22 marks a balance between light and dark, making it an ideal time to center yourself amidst life’s transitions. As the Sun enters Libra, a Cardinal sign, you're encouraged to take action and initiate steps toward your goals. For instance, if optimal health is a goal, start with small, consistent changes, like adding 20 minutes more of daily activity. These small steps accumulate over time.

When Venus enters Scorpio on September 22, relationships take center stage. This is a time to understand your value in relationships, possibly pursue romance, or redefine the way you connect with others. Venus in your opposite sign asks you to approach romantic relationships with curiosity rather than insist on definite answers. If you have been uncertain about aspects of your relationship, try to relax and enjoy the moment. Practice gratitude and have an appreciation for the positive aspects of the relationship. The stellar influences at the beginning of the month spark a desire for romance, which could be favorable for a budding relationship. 

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