
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

The word weird has only come to mean strange in the last century; before that, it had a supernatural connotation, tracing back to its Old English root word wyrd, meaning 'having the power to weave fate or destiny' and was often applied to seers. You, too, possess this magical ability to divine what's to come, and as Pluto moves through your sign for the next 20 years, you will be a vital part of our collective evolution; you'll envision and shape the future. 

You may have sensed that you were born too soon or at the wrong time. But the world is finally catching up to you. The Aquarius New Moon on February 9 activates your potential. Now is the time to celebrate who you are! Entertain those wild ideas and say yes to invitations. 

Mars enters your sign on February 12, sparking flames just in time for Valentine's Day. When Mars meets Pluto on February 13, your passion is truly ignited, and you might feel a shift in what drives you. You'll feel a spark of electricity in your love life after Venus enters your sign on February 16. Then, on February 21, Venus and Mars conjoin, inspiring a romance with someone just as creative and open-minded as you.

As the Sun enters Pisces on February 18, your creative potential takes root in specific projects or endeavors. You're undergoing a spiritual catharsis, and after Mercury enters Pisces on February 22, expect symbolic dreams and guiding messages in your waking life. 

What will you dedicate yourself to? The Virgo Full Moon on February 24 lets you edit your life.

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