
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

The Sun shines the sign of your fellow freedom-seeker, Aquarius. Aquarius finds its independence by standing out from the crowd, and it calls you to live even more authentically than you do. Loving the shadow aspects of yourself sets you free. Leading up to the Aquarius New Moon on February 9, you are being called to lead by example and be impeccable with your word. The New Moon is an excellent time to expand your social circle, as it encourages you to be open to any new people coming into your life. 

Mars enters Aquarius on February 12, motivating you to share your ideas. Take full advantage of this professionally; increased communication can lead to more responsibility. By sharing more openly, you'll find collaborators excited to share this new start with you. 

When the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, your attention shifts to your home front. You may be balancing reckless abandon with solid commitments. You love being shown how to live the human experience more fully, but no one can truly show you how to feel free. It's an inside job. Plan your renovations and repairs now while all planets are moving direct. 

Venus meets Mars in Aquarius on February 21, making the time around Valentine's Day full of romantic possibilities. For some, love is a liberation; for others, it can feel like a series of compromises. The Aquarian energy of this moment encourages you to go towards both love and possibility. At the same time, the Virgo Full Moon on February 24 lets you curate every aspect of your life, from your clothes to your commitments. Decide what fits your life, and gladly let go of any distractions. Your energy is too precious to waste on a worry.  

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