February Horoscopes

This month features one of the most significant transits of 2021, the Saturn-Uranus square on February 17. Saturn, the planet of the past, challenges Uranus, the planet of progress— the future. The tension between these is symbolic of tension we can see in our culture right now. It’s a time of revolutionary change when we’re going to see breakthroughs of all kinds. 

In your personal life, you might witness shifts in your friendships and family relationships. What hasn’t worked for you will become painfully obvious as you continue to dismantle your ego’s complex network of fears and beliefs. While 2020 shook things up and undoubtedly gave you some awareness about these things, this month, you can rally the courage to make decisive changes. Take one step at a time or you’ll just get frustrated with yourself. 

The whole month will resonate with this vibe. It’s the big theme that will be up for us. Several planets in Aquarius pull us toward Uranus, and we’ll see that the way forward is through these gateways: 

  1. Science - A combination of creativity and practical application

  2. Humanitarian activities - Generosity as a spiritual practice

  3. Curiosity - Intellectual inquiry leads to innovative solutions

  4. Community - We work better together

  5. Freedom of expression - It’s okay to be weird

  6. Close friendships - We lift one another up

On February 11, the Aquarius New Moon emphasizes these things and reminds us we’re never alone. With so much emphasis on Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, we might feel the groundswell of change. It could be literal, too, as in earthquakes or sudden economic upsets. We’re looking toward new economic systems, like blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, but Saturn wants to pull us back to what we’ve always known. It wants to turn our attention toward the economic structures upon which we’ve relied. Be wary of staying in the past. 

The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, and soon after, Mercury stations direct on February 20. Then, at the end of the month, all planets will be going direct. This influence pushes us ahead, and we can create some distance between ourselves and the events of 2020. It means we can see the effectiveness of the vaccines and hope for an end to the restrictions we’ve had. At the end of the month, you might feel as if there’s no stopping you! 

On February 27, the Virgo Full Moon encourages us to shift our mindset from criticism and judgment to praise and gratitude. Turn this energy inward and appreciate your unique offerings and gifts. Turn it outward to others, and see the best in them. Be willing to learn from that critical voice, but don’t let it lead to self-defeat or hinder your connection with others. 

We end the month moving into a creative time when restoration of inner peace provides grounding as you nurture your ideas into fruition. 


March Horoscopes


January Horoscopes