Rachel Lang

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December Horoscopes

We close out 2021 with celebrations as Jupiter, the planet of faith and optimism, enters Pisces— a sign in which it feels right at home. Jupiter is the planet that rules Pisces by traditional rulership, and this means we will feel more positive about the future than we have for the last two years since Jupiter has been in Saturn-led signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn wants to rein in Jupiter. After all, Saturn's orbit is a boundary keeping Jupiter on track. Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28, starting a 12-month cycle and making it a New Year's celebration. We will start 2022 in this new cycle.

Leading up to that transit, we gain significant insights, give generously, and discover ways to open to a deeper experience of love. We start the month with a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 3. The constellation of the archer reminds us to aim and move forward according to the target ahead. Still, eclipses stir things up. They spark change. Sometimes, they do this in small ways— an aha moment in a conversation. At other times, their energy inspires you to make moves in your life. This eclipse is no exception, and you could uncover a piece of information or truth that’s been buried.

In a recent TikTok video, I said:

90% of the manifestation process is healing the past and creating space in our lives for a new beginning.

That’s what we’re doing this month, and with more grace than we could have during the past two years. This eclipse happens at 12˚ ♐︎21’, and its effects will linger for a few weeks. So, if you don’t have a breakthrough right away, be patient! One is coming for sure.

On December 9, Mars will slide over late degrees of Scorpio, activating the degree of the eclipse on November 19. Think about what was happening for you at that time. It could be a theme that repeats to make sure you heard the messages the first time. Things could be confusing; you could hear mixed messages from others or your internal guidance system. It’s best to be gentle with yourself and others. A Sun square Neptune transit on December 11 adds to this uncertainty. It’s okay to do nothing - to wait for more clarity. Don’t rush decisions right now.

Mars moves into Sagittarius on December 13, lightening some of the intensity we’ve felt during Mars’s transit through Scorpio. Mercury enters Capricorn this same day, helping us be more practical in making decisions. The combination of these two is grounded optimism and steady steps forward.

Venus goes retrograde on December 19, and this is one of the most significant astrological influences up to the end of the year. Venus in Capricorn tightens our purse strings, and it helps us be more mindful about what we’re spending, eating, and doing with our time. It’s not the most luxurious Venus placement. As Venus appears to move backwards in the heavens, we go into a review of financial decisions, relationships, and priorities. You might taper back your subscriptions or cancel a few memberships. Maybe there’s a way to consolidate debt or get ahead of things by adopting a more minimalist lifestyle.

The Sun enters Capricron on December 22, helping to place a spending cap on holiday shopping. You might consider practical gifts this year.

Our final Saturn/Uranus square happens on December 24, helping close the loop on everything we’ve been working on this year. This transit has helped us rebuild infrastructure in all areas of our lives (and society). Under this influence, we’ve looked at the past in new ways, unlocking truths about our family, communities, or culture. As we’ve moved to change those systems, we’ve also faced the internal struggles that can sometimes accompany growth. It’s time to appreciate all we’ve accomplished in light of the restrictions, collective grief, and frustrations of the past two years. We’ve shaped a new world — we’re still shaping it.

I predict JOY is going to be the keyword for 2022. Just wait! You’re going to see it everywhere. Joy is Jupiter’s domain, after all, and as Jupiter feels right at home in Pisces, we will be open and willing to let our joy be full.