Rachel Lang

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The Astrology of 2022

Welcome to a New Year!

You can click right to your horoscope or read on to see what this year has in store for us.

If you're like me, you're facing 2022 with a bit of trepidation. After the past two years, it's safe to assume we've learned to be realistic in our expectations of what's to come. For you, I have a message of hope. It gets better. Still, I would be lying if I said, "Start the fireworks! It's going to be the best year!" 

We are climbing out of from pit of collective trauma, grief, and WTH of the past two years, but we're not there yet. What 2022 asks of us is this: 

  • Heal.

  • Feel.

  • Practice radical acceptance.

  • See all through the lens of compassion.

  • Build something.

  • Keep dismantling outdated systems.

  • Call out untruth and injustice.

  • Banish limiting beliefs.

  • Overcome money fears.

Things get better in some ways, but I also want to be realistic in looking at the astrology of 2022. We have rebuilding to do in our personal lives and larger systems. This year opens us to dream of what's possible, open our hearts with compassion, and advance all sectors through technology with an overlay of ethics. I'll point out some highlights for you. 

Saturn square Uranus

This transit was the predominant theme of 2021, and the two will move back and forth this year, though the transit won't reach perfection. We felt the tension in 2021 as we worked through the division in our personal lives and the larger division in the world. One side wants to delay progress while the other wants to rush it. Saturn represents our past, including past karma, and it's the rule-keeper, judge, and stern parent. Uranus is the wild child rebel, the change agent. Uranus is of the sky, and Saturn's earth-bound.

We saw this conflict at play in volcanic ash, strange weather patterns, and questions about billionaires flying into space. The infrastructure package in the USA is another example of this square — 

We see the fractures in all systems we've built, and we have to choose how best to allocate our resources and energies toward fixing what's broken. Here's where student loan forgiveness comes into play or talk of reparations. 

Repairing the damage of the past means admitting we were wrong and making amends. Of course, this also applies to our personal lives. We're rebuilding relationships, realizing we need more balance in our professional lives. 

One prominent theme in 2021 with the Saturn/Uranus square was a re-balancing of power and money as we moved through the great resignation. We will see more of this trend in 2022 as Jupiter in Pisces shifts our perception of what's possible. Many could stay out of the workforce to start entrepreneurial endeavors or find new income sources that give them more freedom. Workers will insist on fairer wages and benefits as inflation continues to be a theme. 

These themes will be most evident from September to November, just in time for the midterm elections in this country, which happen during eclipse season. 

The US Pluto Return

The USA is going through a significant turning point as we move through the country's Pluto return, which happens about every 250 years. Will this mean the start of a new republic? I wouldn't go that far, but I will say the polarization in this country could reach a critical point. I know… how could it get worse? With Pluto transits, things often have to escalate to the point of surrender, when we're forced to let go of something to create something new. That's what we're doing in this country.

The US Pluto is in Capricorn, which is the sign of business, ambition, corporations, and economic, institutional, and social structures. The US Pluto is in the second house, making the economy one of the big themes for this year.

The US Mercury is opposite Pluto, suggesting that communication, information, and the media will be under a microscope as we discern truth from fiction. It won't be easy to clarify facts and details with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Truth will be one of the most prominent themes we'll hear in the media, and new media outlets and conglomerates could start as a result.

This transit perfects three times:

      • February 20

      • July 11

      • December 12

We will be restructuring our legal, judicial, or economic policies. It could also mean we go through a period where we don't have as much power in the larger global economy. We're reinventing ourselves, and our image will change as a result.

I see the US Pluto return as a time to separate corporations from politics. I say that because Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, a transit that started with the mortgage crisis and Occupy Wall Street. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency rose as decentralized economic systems in response to corruption and injustice in banking. Cryptocurrencies will be on the rise this year. While they're taking a bit of a hit right now as I write this, as Uranus moves through Taurus, we're going to be moving toward crypto and other alternatives to traditional banking and lending. 

Also, we haven't heard the last of what led to the January 6 insurrection. There's likely a whole underground movement of people ready to fight in a type of civil war -- the fight will center on information, hacking, and other methods represented by the air element. When Jupiter enters Aries from May - October, we could see an escalation of ideological conflict taken out into the streets. While I don't foresee the type of rioting we saw in 2020, I can see those dates when the Pluto return is exact could feel heavy. 

My hope with this transit is that we will look at economic injustice and systemic oppression under a microscope and find ways to remedy it, like canceling student debt or implementing reparations. My hope, too, is that we work to heal the division. With Jupiter in Pisces, we will be more heart-led-- more driven by compassion. We're also more hopeful than we've been in the past two years. 

Everything's Moving Forward in February and March

After Mercury goes direct on February 3, all planets will be moving forward, meaning it's a time of dynamic action. This is the real start to the new year, and you'll see the big themes of 2022 playing out in the activities of your life. Because there's not much slowing you down, be intentional about how you're focusing your energy. It's a highly creative time, and you can 

Don't let your bubble burst!

Jupiter moves through Pisces much of the year, making this a time for spiritual expansion and innovations in the arts. Jupiter takes 12 years to move around the zodiac, and it spends about a year in each sign. Jupiter entered Pisces on May 13, 2021, but it moved back into Aquarius on July 28. It entered Pisces again on December 29, 2021, and will be there until May 11. Then it goes retrograde and dips into Aries until October 28 before finishing the year off in Pisces.

Jupiter is the brightest and largest planet in our sky. It rules Pisces by traditional rulership and feels right at home there. Pisces themes are spirituality, dreams, mystical visions, magic, healing, imagination, psychic abilities, intuition, and oneness. On the other hand, Pisces also relates to illusions, deception, foggy thinking, escapism (like through addiction), and being unclear about what's real and what's not. 

I like to think of Jupiter in Pisces as a psilocybin journey -- state an intention as we start the year and let the cosmic rays carry you forward. It's not a time to try and control what's happening in your life. Be willing to flow. 

Jupiter and Neptune conjoin in Pisces on April 1, and this is where you want to be careful not to make a rash decision based solely on faith. Read the fine print and trust your gut. This transit indicates a time when we're so full of faith and hope we don't see the glaring red flags right before our eyes. An example of this would be gambling your savings on trending crypto and keeping it in after the novelty of it has worn off. Or resist holding out for an unavailable or uncommitted person because you see so much potential. We could float away in our dreams like a helium balloon. 

Enter Jupiter in Aries. The Needle Transit

From May to October, Jupiter moves through Aries, previewing what will come in 2023. Aries rules sharp objects, like needles. If you're living under an illusion of hope during Jupiter in Pisces, during Jupiter in Aries, your bubble could pop. 

Jupiter's movement through Aries inspires our passion. It motivates us to start something new! To change our lives! To change the world! It's a dynamic time for new beginnings.

Water, Water Everywhere

As I write this post, it's been raining in LA for what feels like forever. If you've never lived here, you might not understand how dry it is in this part of the world. It hardly ever rains, but it's been raining for most of the last two weeks. I can't help but think we will see more rain and storms this year. 

Rain makes it possible for our plants to grow, but it also clears the air like a shower washing everything clean. After it rains, we can see mountain peaks we don't usually see at other times. 

Drawing from this metaphor, we're going to be clearing, healing, and wiping the fog from our paths. It's a year for healing trauma and moving through grief. It's going to be emotional -- feel those feelings! Jupiter expands anything it comes in contact with, and Pisces is an emotional water sign. 

Astrological PSA: Now would be the time to fix your leaky roof or other water-related concerns. Clean your gutters and fix any foundation issues in your house. Do an inventory early in the month and prioritize making those repairs. 

It's an excellent time for starting therapy or working with a healer. You might want to focus on processes that reach your subconscious mind, like hypnotherapy or somatics. 

We're going to see advancement in the arts -- we'll feel like it's a true renaissance period, and I could see virtual reality becoming the next evolution of TV or streaming services. Rather than sitting back and watching your favorite shows, you'll become a part of them. While this is going to develop over time, we'll see movements in that direction this year. 

The North Node in Taurus

The North Node is a destiny point, representing where we're moving. The South Node is in opposition, defining what we're integrating from the past, clearing, and healing. 

The North Node is in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio from January 18 – July 12, 23. This transit happens once every 18 years. 

Taurus themes include money, food, our physical bodies in the material world, income, spending priorities, habits, and self-worth. It's grounded and practical. Fixed signs help us see the value in standing still. 

We're learning we don't have to be so intense about situations in our lives. We can ground in the knowledge that we're safe and let go of anxiety as a result. We're also being encouraged to see pleasure as a gateway to enlightenment. When we follow what resonates so deeply, our bodies relax, we become more self-actualized.

This transit helps us prioritize harmony and peace in relationships. 

Industries like fashion, design, art and gourmet food will be trending. So will earth tones and colors you'd associate with magic -- purple, pink, pale blue, and glitter

Money, taxes, debt, and inheritance will be trending topics. Prioritize your spending and especially your savings this year. Money could be one of those triggering matters, especially in relationships around the time of the eclipses on April 30, May 15, October 25, and November 8. These eclipses suggest a change in the dynamics of your relationships. They will feel in flux as you navigate the tension between lack and abundance of control and freedom. 

Mars in Gemini August 20 - March 2023

Mars in Gemini is feisty with words. It's witty, sharp, and clever in using language to persuade or debate others. 

Mars goes retrograde on October 30, slowing things down at the end of the year to give us a chance to rethink aspects of our lives. (Look at the house Gemini rules in your chart for the areas of life for you.) This transit takes us through the midterm elections, and it adds fuel to the fire of discourse and division. Be careful what you say -- you can't take back words once they've been spoken, and our inner saboteurs are more active during retrograde cycles like this one. 

In November, a Mars square Neptune transit comes back for a second time urging us to see the truth in an unclear situation. This influence can indicate fighting for petty reasons like a baby will sometimes cry as a self-soothing mechanism to relieve stress and not because they need something specific. Or like a dog will run around in circles after a bath. Pent-up energy requires a release of some kind. November will be this release. Plus, we start the month in eclipse season. 

It's a time to rethink past relationship decisions and make peace with disappointing circumstances or let-downs in love. In addition to Mars, we have Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron retrograde in November. 

At the end of the year, we're rebuilding our lives, but not starting from scratch. We'll be healing and paving the way for new chapters in our social structures and personal lives throughout the year. 

We close the year with Mars in trine aspect with Saturn and sextile to Chrion, indicating the end of a healing journey we're all in together. 

trends we'll see:


  • Economic turbulence as we develop new ways of lending, investing, and saving. 

  • Inflation, especially as Jupiter enters Aries and pops the bubble.

  • Fraudulent activities like we saw with Ponzi schemes. (Be careful!)

  • The beginning of a leveling out in the housing market as the North Node enters Taurus, signifying a financial shift later in the year. 

  • Oil prices rise as Jupiter moves through Pisces.

  • Healthcare innovations.

  • The year of the worker and laborer - wage increases because of inflation.

  • Higher interest rates.


  • Changes in healthcare, especially with pharmaceuticals and vaccines. More truth is coming to light about healthcare injustice.

  • Revolution with the US Pluto Return.

  • Political upheaval in the fall.

  • US tension with Mexico and other countries as our identity as a country changes.

  • The polarity between individual freedom and the common good.


  • Spiritual movements that lean toward magic and witchcraft; a rise in Spiritualism.

  • Spiritual destinations and travel experiences.

  • Spiritual exploration into things like mediumship, astral travel, and more.

  • Christianity launches a PR campaign to bring back those who’ve left for political reasons.

  • Mediumship and spirit communication are stronger.

  • Physical mediumship making a comeback like it did in the 1800s.

  • Paranormal shows becoming more popular.

  • Religious organizations lose a little political power as Jupiter enters Aries and then regain it closer to the election in November.


  • Trends toward live theatre and concerts.

  • Stories focused on fantasy and magic.

  • Witchcraft is trending. 

  • So much new and good music!!

  • Cruises and water-related travel.

  • Food positivity is a big theme with the North Node in Taurus. A pause in diet culture.

  • Fashion is less about comfort and more about artistic expression.

  • Pisces colors like light blue, sea green, teal, or purple are trending.

  • Magic and magick.

  • More movements to end racism and create a more equal and just society.


  • Drug addiction and the opioid crisis as ongoing problems – a search for solutions.

  • Dream research.

  • Psychedelics being used in therapeutic processes; drug companies trying to control the usage or patenting psychedelics for pharmaceutical sales.

  • Use of mushrooms as a solution to pollution or in response to effects of climate change.

  • Space exploration and consumer space expeditions.