Rachel Lang

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December Horoscopes

Welcome to the last month of the year. This month’s transits bring us back into the past, help us clear a path forward, and let our imaginations create the future. We start the month with Mercury moving into Capricorn, setting a more serious tone to the expansive Sagittarius season. Mercury will be in its pre-shadow phase, so plan extra time for holiday festivities and travel.

Venus enters Scorpio on December 4, and we can go deeper in experiencing love. We’re more aware of our emotional connections and won’t settle for less.

Mercury stations retrograde on December 12, hours after the Sagittarius New Moon. We feel compelled to set intentions under the influence of the expansive Jupiter-ruled Moon sign, but we have to let something go. The tension between the shadows and light reaches a crescendo, making us feel tired for no apparent reason. We may make last-minute changes to our plans or have delays that add to the adventures of the holiday season. It’s also a favorable time to reconnect with distant relatives or friends from the past.

December’s solstice and Capricorn's ingress offer the right combination of practicality and hope. If you build it, they will come, which might be a good mantra for the start of this time. We’ve laid the plans for our dreams and need only to follow the blueprints. Venus is separating from her opposition with Uranus, and we move into this season unwilling to accept unhealthy relationship dynamics. We can say no to what we don’t want and make space for what we do.

On December 22, the Sun conjoins Mercury retrograde before it moves back into Sagittarius. This transit helps reveal to us what’s true and accurate. In a time when companies and individuals are using AI technology to write content and social media algorithms control what we see, we have to dig to know the whole story. Our personal lives are similar. We have grown accustomed to polarity. This Mercury retrograde cycle invites us to expand our perspectives and approach all conflicts with curiosity.

The Cancer Full Moon on December 26 feels foggy and nostalgic. The influence of the Cancer Moon draws us close to loved ones, but it could bring up feelings of loneliness if we feel disconnected from family and friends. We want to be reassured we’re loved while the Moon’s in this sensitive sign during the holiday season. Emotions could run high, and we don’t want to take things too personally.

Chiron stations direct that day; conversations with family members could reveal unmet needs or unexpressed pain. Be careful not to let resentment stew beneath the surface. Grudges hurt us more than the ones who initially harmed us. Keep that in mind as Mercury conjoins Mars on December 27.

Mars in Sagittarius enters a stand-off with Neptune on December 28, when it moves into a square aspect. We could misdirect our anger, or we may not feel justified in feeling it at all. This transit hovers like a haze, fogging our ability to know what we want. Arguments could seem unproductive, with people talking in circles. The way to best navigate this transit is to feel our way through, acknowledging our deep-seated emotions and allowing compassion to help us navigate challenging moments.

We kick off the New Year with one foot stepping forward and one lingering in the past. Jupiter stations direct on December 30, helping us dream up expansive plans and intentions for 2024.