Rachel Lang

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July Horoscopes

I picture late June and early July energies feeling like a collective baptism. Neptune's influence cannot be understated. It stations retrograde at 29˚55’ Pisces, just a few arc minutes from its ingress into Aries and that 0° world point! 

The Sabian Symbol for this anaretic degree is, “A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness and, as he grows up, begins to look like it.” This symbolism speaks to the importance of our visioning power right now. With Chiron being a big player in this year's sky story, we are looking for mentors and seeking guidance from those with more wisdom. As Neptune stations retrograde, it asks us to differentiate between those who genuinely desire to share knowledge versus those who seek an audience for an ego boost. 

As Saturn and Neptune appear to “move backward” in Pisces, we could enter into new depths of understanding about the meeting point between the seen and unseen influences at work in our lives. We journey into our subconscious minds, desire to connect with our extra-sensory perceptions and balance evidence with intuition. 

Each time an inner planet aspects these points, new activities surround those themes. For example, clarity could cut confusion when the Sun forms a trine with Saturn on July 10, and we could have a personal breakthrough when the Sun trines Neptune on July 21. 

Collectively, we're learning to see through the foundational gaps of our guiding narratives. We're aware of things we haven't been able to see before. This eye-opening experience peaks in September when Mas squares Neptune on the day of the Virgo New Moon. (More about that date later!)

We want to rest in July and early August during those retrograde cycles, even as July's astrology invites us to celebrate, have reunions, and go on trips with friends. Mercury enters Leo on July 2, drawing us toward steamy summer reading or dramatic expressions of love. Mercury opposes Pluto on July 3, showing our interest in mystery schools and occult sciences and drawing us toward subjects once considered taboo. We could see political rallies or social demonstrations during the first week of July, especially with the Cancer New Moon on July 5 and when Mars comes into opposition with Pallas on July 6. This opposition could indicate ideological conflicts and philosophical clashes. 

Also on July 6, Saturn opposes Juno, showing the potential for crossed wires or unmet relationship expectations. If you're casually dating, you could grow disappointed with the process, especially if you're ready for commitment. On July 11, Venus forms a trine to Neptune before entering Leo. Let yourself experience the pleasure of love, even if you haven't made a relationship decision. 

Mars conjoins Uranus on July 15, acting like dynamite in a uranium mine. Upon reading that sentence, you might feel the destructive tendencies implied here. However, remember that some uranium mining processes extract valuable ore by using explosives to create a pit, making it a fitting symbol for this astrological influence. Mars in Taurus needs prompting to express its vigor and fire. Uranus is the lightning-bolt energy required for us to embrace courage and boldly go where we haven't gone before. 

On July 18, when Jupiter forms a quintile to Neptune and Venus quintiles Uranus, art and beauty are the antidotes to any conflict. We can find stability in our creative ideas and their implementation. As the Sun moves into a sextile with Uranus, we have an open mind that’s expanded by asking questions and seeking guidance. We’re ready to accept options that had previously been closed.

Mars enters Gemini on July 20, giving us our words more power, depth, and influence. At the same time, we must be mindful not to let our attention scatter or become hung up on trivialities. Mars in Gemini activates our passion for learning, speaking, and expressing our ideas. This influence indicates we could be more fired up in conversational debates or social media arguments. Exercise restraint if you wish to avoid a confrontation. 

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 happens when the Moon and Sun align at the last degree of their respective signs. Think for a moment about the outer planets moving through the last degrees of their signs, and you might imagine the catharsis of this lunation. The 29° of any sign can introduce the stress of changing tides, but this influence is intensified in cardinal signs. We might experience the closing of chapters or letting go.

This Full Moon features vital aspects with the transpersonal planets: It is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, sextile Neptune in Pisces, and trine Uranus in Taurus. These aspects help us feel connected to the bigger picture of what's happening worldwide. We could feel more purposeful amid larger cultural shifts. 

However, the Moon also loosely squares Chiron and Eris in Aries and forms a quincunx with Mercury in Leo. These influences indicate inner tension between how much or little we express our feelings. Eris stations retrograde that day, indicating a force for progressive change moving through our lives. We need more rest and reflective time. 

The Sun enters Leo on July 22, sparkling like a disco ball. After the Capricorn Moon, we could use fun and a more playful attitude, but as soon as it enters the sign of the lion, it opposes Pluto as an indication of the Leo season to come. Will we delve into deep waters at the end of the month? Chiron stations retrograde on July 26, supporting a turn inward and a flow of emotions. Surrender could be the operative word at the last quarter Moon on July 27. 

Leo season occurs in the Northern Hemisphere during the dog days of summer when the Sun’s beams compel us to relax. Mercury is in its pre-shadow phase as of July 16, and the subtle influence presents an invitation to take a retreat. Details could be muddled as the messenger planet forms a quincunx with Neptune several hours before entering Virgo on July 25. A change of scenery would help you hone the creative urge within. Consider making time for a period of relaxation at the end of the month.