Rachel Lang

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August Horoscopes

On August 1, Mars forms a sextile to the North Node, motivating us to leave our comfort zones. We can determine what obstacles line the path toward our intentions. What does more purposeful living mean to you? This question begs reflection as the warrior planet in Gemini inspires journaling, brainstorming, and strategizing. 

A wave of astrological influences reaches shore on August 4, and though eventful, we can surf over the crests if we remember to stay centered. The New Moon at 12˚34’ Leo offers gifts if we’re willing to receive them. The Moon forms sextiles to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, indicating a sense of optimism and energy. The Sabian Symbol for 12˚-13˚ Leo is “An old sea captain rocking himself on the porch of his cottage.” Perhaps we will feel a sense of comfort and glean wisdom after exploring subconscious depths. 

At this lunation, Venus is at 29° of Leo and in quincunx with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. This yod makes Venus a focal point for this day, and thus, we'll be interested in harmony, beauty, and anything that tugs our heartstrings. It also shows that our relationships are adjusting to the outer forces of change. 

Later in the evening of August 4, Venus enters Virgo, the sign of her fall, introducing a service-oriented understanding of love and a highly curated experience of social or recreational activities. A couple of hours later, Mercury stations retrograde at 04˚06’ Virgo. This retrograde cycle lasts until August 28 and features decluttering, purification, and detoxification themes. As Mercury returns to Leo on August 14, we aim to finish business and revisit creative or passion projects. This retrograde cycle could remind us of past loves and loyalties, as Mercury moves back into Leo. 

On August 7, Jupiter in Gemini forms a sesquiquadrate to Pluto in Aquarius, introducing uncertainties and discomfort in their synodic story. We want to exercise caution to avoid accidents and prioritize fire-hardening efforts in hot climates. (Air feeds fire, after all.) This influence could relate to a culmination of political unrest that needs outlets. With Mars in Gemini moving close to Jupiter and forming a Hammer of Thor with the Moon that day, we want to be careful not to feed volatility in our relationships. 

Juno draws our attention from August 8-10. Neptune opposes Juno in Virgo on August 8, showing us the difference between fantasy and desire. Neptune's influence could burst our bubble about romantic partnerships or the long-term potential of a lover. Then, on August 9, Juno enters Libra and reminds us of what we truly desire in partnership. Pluto forms a trine with Juno on August 10, helping solidify commitments and showing the value of equity in relationships. 

Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini on August 14, and Mercury retrograde revisits Leo. It’s a day to embody courage and have tough conversations about matters from the past. Mars's influence suggests we want to exercise tact and diplomacy so conflicts don't spread out of hand like wildfires. We want to remember to keep a perspective beyond our limited viewpoint, particularly as Mars moves into a square with Saturn on August 15. We're likely to grow frustrated if we don't feel understood. 

On August 18, the Sun makes its inferior conjunction with Mercury. We grasp a sense of our genius. However, with Mercury and the Sun squaring Uranus and opposing the Full Moon on August 19, we might feel unsettled about how to move forward with ideas. Uranus sits at the apex of a T-square in the lunation chart, indicating an intense urge for freedom that may push us into letting go. 

With the Sun conjunct Vesta, we'll likely let go of traditions and rituals we've outgrown. This lunation asks us to look at our living space and surroundings. Is there anything we need to beautify or simplify? The Aquarius Moon invites us to prioritize friendships and our social activities.

Jupiter also squares Saturn on August 19, adding to the stop-and-start energy of the Aquarius Full Moon. This aspect shows a critical turning point in the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle that started on December 21, 2020. The opening square of a cycle illuminates challenges to overcome. When Jupiter and Saturn came together, we saw our legal institutions and judicial systems restructuring and new leadership rising into power. At the first square aspect in the cycle, we can identify the fractured foundations and unstable structures of those legal, judicial, and governmental systems.  

On August 22, the Sun enters Virgo, with its dispositor Mercury, retrograde in Leo. For a few days, while Mercury draws its retrograde journey to a close, we could experience a slower response time in emails, direct message, or text correspondences. We can also expect to rest after finishing business leftovers from the summer and before adopting new routines during Virgo season.  

Mars moves into a sextile with Chiron on August 24, showing a swell in compassion. We could be more passionate about pursuing a purpose, but if others don't support our vision, we could be more sensitive to criticism. Vesta enters Virgo that day, which amplifies our desire to contribute. Chiron's influence invites us to draw from past experiences to help others. 

Venus trines Uranus on August 27 and opposes Neptune on August 28; relationships could be a focal point at the end of the month. As Venus opposes Neptune, we can better recognize how we self-negate through compromise or, conversely, how we mistrust others' motives. As Mercury stations direct, we have the opportunity to break those unhealthy patterns in relationships and commit to more authentic experiences of love. 

Love compels deep connection on August 29 as Venus enters Libra and forms a trine with Pluto. We want to be mindful not to ruminate about relationship challenges; instead, we want to understand the dynamics that underlie our relationships so we can heal through increased awareness.

Read your horoscope here